MOSCOW, March 5– With a society so nervous about the future that it has all but stopped having children, and a death rate rising faster than that of any other country, Russia faces an unusual population crisis that even optimists say will take a generation to reverse. Read more »
New York Times
Climb in Russia’s Death Rate Sets Off Population Implosion
March 6th, 1994 from New York Times > ArticlesNeglected for Years, TB is Back with Strains That are Deadlier
October 11th, 1992 from New York Times > ArticlesTHE UNITED STATES has stumbled into its first preventable epidemic, a wave of tuberculosis with strains so virulent they threaten to return pockets of American society to a time when antibiotics were unknown. Read more »
The Oracle of Crown Heights
March 15th, 1992 from New York Times > ArticlesTHEY ARRIVED WITH the rain, early on a winter Sunday, while most of Brooklyn slept. First hundreds, then thousands appeared. Pale men with grizzled beards and black fedoras, trailed by wives and surrounded by children. Read more »
In This Corner Lowell Weicker
December 15th, 1991 from New York Times > ArticlesLOWELL WEICKER TOOK A RARE day off from work this fall, a day away from protesters hurling bottles at his head and placards linking his name to Hitler's. It was a brief reprieve from the political chaos of his benighted domain–from the Democrats who detest him and the Republicans who think even less of him than that. Read more »